Thursday, February 10, 2011

Proceed with Caution

This morning, several of us received this email from Senator Patrick's office:

Thank you again for contacting Senator Patrick's office about the Auburn Lake Manor project (Application # 1040). You will be happy to hear that the developer for this proposed complex has decided to pull his application from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA); therefore, this development will not be created in your area. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.

Amy L. Peck, M.Ed

Director of Constituent Services

Office of Senator Dan Patrick


After 5:00 this afternoon, we received verbal confirmation from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs that the developer has withdrawn his application for housing tax credits. So why aren't we celebrating? We learn from the experiences of others! We know developers try to use tactics to lessen the opposition, and then when no one is looking they try something new to get their project started again. March 1 is the deadline for the full application to be filed to receive housing tax credits.


We must keep a watchful eye on the movements of the developer and the land owner, Peramco. There are reports from neighbors that the vacant land for the proposed development continues to be cleared. Trees are coming down, and work is being done on the property. I'd like to know for what!

We have also learned that the Northampton MUD board has pulled this item from their agenda for the February 21 meeting (see last night's post). But several of us believe we need to pack that meeting anyway, that we need to proceed with gathering petitions ... whatever we need to do to make the people on that board understand that anything like this will meet with tremendous opposition.

Please post your comments. It helps us to hear what our neighbors are thinking.